What's New

The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (JSMRM2024)
Our homepage has been redesigned.
CYANA Academic and Commercial Licenses Price Revisions



CYANA ((c) by Dr.Peter Guntert) is a program for automated structure calculation of biological macromolecules on the basis of conformational constraints from NMR. The combination of automated NOESY cross peak assignment, structure calculation with a fast torsion angle dynamics algorithm, and the ease-of-use of CYANA provide for unprecedented efficiency in NMR protein structure determination.


LCModel, Automatic quantification of in vivo proton MR spectra.

Quantitative analysis of brain metabolites, muscle cell fat(and so on) from MRI 1H MR spectra.

We provides maintenance and support.

Please contact us about upgrading bin2raw and other versions, creating custom basis-sets, and so on.

Other products (only in Japan)

We sell the following foreign software and hardware in Japan:

  • Software for chemistry, NMR
  • Software for MRI, CT, Medical image analysis
  • Hardware for NMR, animal MRI
  • Hardware for quantum sensing
  • Sever / Laboratory Automation